telephone: 866-4KROGEN

Owner’s Gallery

  • Krogen Express Rendezvous
  • Krogen Express Rendezvous
  • Free Spirit, 4912, Alaska waterfall
  • Amusant in Copenhagen
  • Amusant in Paris
  • Resolute, 5206, Sunrise in Keys
  • 5206, Resolute, Sunset in Keys
  • 5204, Amusant, In London with Gloriana, the Queen's Rowbarge
  • 5208, Wilhelmina, at speed
  • Scylla, 5207, from bridge
  • Tiare, 5205, Overhead
  • Aries Too, 5311, Long Island Sound
    Aries Too, 5314, in L. Michigan
  • Resolute, 5206, From Above
  • KE Fleet in Formation
  • Krogen Express Armada
  • 5206, Resolute, Stuart Florida
  • Wilhelmina, 5208, Stuart, FL
  • Free Spirit, 4912, at anchor in Alaska
  • 5209 & 5210 Fort Pierce Inlet
  • Mystic, 5212, Sea of Cortez
  • Mystic Offloading in Mexico
  • Coconuts, 4902, at Sunset
  • Resolute and TT Resolute
  • Resolute Splash Screen
  • 5210, then Daystar, Solomons, MD
  • Seagull, 5217, at Anchor in the Bahamas
  • Scylla & Aries Too, Quebec Harbor
  • 5311, Aries Too, in Ft. Lauderdale
  • 5220, Daystar, in the Bahamas
  • 4909, Trillium, with hardtop.
  • Nina on Nina, 5201, L. Michigan
  • Jackets II, 5202, at anchor.
  • 5202, Jackets II, on the hook in Maine
  • Southern Comfort, 4910
  • 5205, Tiare, Naples, Dec 2013
  • Ritser, 4911, in The Netherlands
  • 4909, Trillium, with hardtop.
  • Coconuts, 4902, March 20142014
  • Coconuts, 4902, 9/12, Corsica R. MD
  • Easy Water, 5214, in Fort Pierce, FL
  • 5214, Easy Water, docked in Fort Pierce
  • Tiare, 5205, at home in Naples